HTTP Supports and Welcomes Anna Gomez Nomination to the FCC

HTTP welcomes the nomination of Anna Gomez to the FCC Commissioner’s Bench. HTTP has urged the administration since 2021 to nominate a qualified Latino to the FCC and the Biden-Harris Administration could not have picked a better candidate for the position.

As we have stated before, our telecommunications infrastructure and policies historically failed those most vulnerable in our communities and continue the negative effects of our country’s deeply embedded structural inequalities. Bringing a Latino viewpoint to the Commissioner's Bench will allow someone with our lived experiences, as Latinos, to comment on how issues specifically impact our community. HTTP is confident that Gomez’s expertise in telecommunications law and policy will benefit not only our Latino community but U.S. consumers at large. Gomez prior leadership at the NTIA ensures that the ongoing federal funding regimes are equitably distributed to the states and minority serving institutions. Her ongoing experience in managing tremendous national programs will also assist that tax dollars are not wasted.

In addition to her extensive experience in the executive branch, Gomez has also worked in the legislative branch and the private sector. Her experience in the U.S. Senate will allow for a healthy relationship between the FCC and the legislative branch as she once performed the oversight role and knows what the relevant congressional committees demand of the FCC. Her roles in the private sector also allows Gomez to understand business practicalities and what U.S. consumers may endure as government programs are rolled out.

HTTP is excited for the nomination and confirmation of Gomez. Her viewpoint will allow for diverse conversations on how telecommunications policy impacts U.S. Latinos.

See HTTP’s letter to the Biden-Harris Administration urging the appointment of a Latinx Commissioner.

HTTP Editorial Staff