Blog Archive 2017-2018


July 5, 2018

HTTP’s Statement on the DISH Network/Univision Communications Inc. Negotiation Impasse

On June 30th, over a contract dispute, DISH Network stopped carrying Univision Communications Inc. This happened in the midst of children being taken away from their parents at the border, the upcoming mid-term elections and during a time when Latinos need to be informed about relevant new policy and other developments that deeply impact the Latino community. Having a reliable source of news and information is vital to everyday life, but especially during these critical times. The Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP) strongly supports a rapid and fair mediation between DISH Network and Univision Communications Inc. to ensure that Latinos are not left without a primary source of current news and information. It is critical that Spanish-speaking and bilingual Latinos in the U.S. are not cut off from necessary information updates provided by Univision.

We encourage DISH Network to understand the significant impact that this impasse has on the Latino community and to not marginalize the community in the process. Now more than ever, diverse viewpoints are needed in the American media. HTTP urges DISH Network to work with Univision Communications Inc. to reach an amicable resolution for this conflict for the sake of the thousands of American Latinos being impacted by this blackout.

June 19, 2018

Children should not be abused for political gain

It is disgraceful, cruel, immoral and un-American to rip families apart. The Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP) opposes the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration practices. HTTP is extremely saddened by recent reports of children being ripped away from their parents at the border. As an organization that advocates to give children the best opportunities possible, it is heartbreaking to know that these innocent children are being torn away from their parents, put in “tents”, left alone, scared, and facing the possibility of becoming lost in the system and exposed to irreparable trauma and harm. HTTP urges the Trump administration to stop these immoral practices and find a solution that keeps families together; abusing children is not the answer to fixing our broken immigration system. As the basic unit of society, it is vitally important that families are kept together and that these children are given the chance to succeed.

May 16, 2018

HTTP’s statement on the U.S. Senate vote to restore the FCC’s net-neutrality rules

Today the U.S. Senate voted to restore the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Net Neutrality rules of 2015, through a process called the Congressional Review Act (CRA). The Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP) is not in favor of the use of the CRA process because it does not allow for a full and open debate. It is important that all stakeholders’ voices are heard and accounted for, especially those in the Latino community. It has been HTTP’s continuing stance that Title II is not the right mechanism to regulate our ever-evolving online ecosystem and using this process does not provide the best, most comprehensive solution for an open Internet.

HTTP has and always will support a free and open Internet that is accessible to all Americans and provides economic, intellectual, and many other opportunities to everyone in the U.S., particularly Latinos who remain on the wrong side of the digital divide.

While members of Congress spend their time focusing on a measure that most likely will not pass due to the presidential veto power, the issue being neglected is privacy. Now more than ever it is critical that Congress provide a foundation and framework for national, strongly pro-consumer, comprehensive privacy measures that apply to the entire Internet ecosystem.

Any work to establish net neutrality or privacy regulations must be truly bipartisan because it is counterproductive to simply do a back and forth every time there is a change in the White House. In order to guarantee consistent and uninterrupted protections, Congress must work together to craft a solution that allows the Internet to be free and open while protecting consumers’ privacy. Only then can the Internet be used to its fullest potential.

May 10, 2018

HTTP joins other advocacy groups to call for comprehensive legislation to protect Americans’ privacy and civil rights

The Honorable John Thune, Chairman

The Honorable Bill Nelson, Ranking Member

US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Washington, DC 20510

The Honorable Greg Walden, Chairman

The Honorable Frank Pallone, Ranking Member US House Committee on Energy and Commerce Washington, DC 20515

Dear Chairmen and Ranking Members:

The Internet is one of the most profound technological developments in human history. The digital revolution has remade almost every corner of the American economy and created pathways for economic empowerment, creative expression, and civic engagement that were previously unimaginable. It is vital that this remarkable engine for civic, cultural, economic, and social engagement remain open, safe, and secure for all Americans.

While we recognize the unlimited advancement potential of the Internet, we must also recognize the gaps in protection and lack of mechanisms to effectively protect the data of far too many consumers in the United States – especially women, people of color, religious minorities, and the LGBT community. Recent events, from the “fake news” crisis and attacks on our elections, to the widespread use of social media platforms by hate groups, have laid bare the extent of tech companies’ inability – or unwillingness – to police their own platforms. Leading platforms have been documented enabling harassment and abuse of women, people of color, and religious minorities, suppressing the speech and civic participation of the targeted populations. Identity theft can have disproportionately severe impacts on low-income families already struggling to make ends meet. Such illicit activities destroy lives and entire communities and cannot be tolerated.

Revelations of data breaches and abuses, from Equifax to Facebook/Cambridge Analytica, have awoken many Americans to the growing threat to their privacy rights. Technology platforms now monitor and record our every move, track us across multiple devices and websites, aggregate information from data brokers with whom we have no relationship, and compile that information into profiles they can use to market goods, services and political propaganda without our approval or sell the captured data to the highest bidder. Hate groups use social media platforms to inflame racial tensions and use online advertising platforms to help fund hate speech through the indiscriminate placement of ads alongside extremist content, without the knowledge or approval of the advertisers. At the same time, these online advertising platforms have been documented enabling discriminatory ad targeting based on race, gender, and sexual orientation – a pernicious new form of digital redlining. And platform monopolies prioritize the content we see based not on accuracy or equity but rather on discriminatory and self-serving algorithms that place start-ups, small businesses, and activists at a disadvantage to powerful corporate interests and the political elite.

For these reasons, a diverse civil rights coalition has come together to curate a list of the most important Data Privacy and Access principles of consumer protection. It is time for Congress to grapple with the question of how to protect the Internet in order to ensure it remains a force for good and a vehicle for progress. The Internet must remain a tool of empowerment allowing individuals to connect, speak, innovate, share, be heard, and organize without discrimination or harassment.

We believe the following principles should be the cornerstone of any legislation designed to protect the Internet and extend its promise to all Americans:

  • Strong Protections for Privacy and Individual Control of Personal Information. To better protect consumers online, strong privacy laws applied uniformly across all Internet companies and corporate policies must give consumers meaningful control over how their sensitive data is collected, used and shared, whether collected online or through other methods. Individuals should have access to all of their own underlying data and profiles created by the companies, as well as the right to correct or delete such information. Privacy practices and rights should be disclosed in clear, accessible, and concise public policies. Companies must reasonably secure consumers’ data and provide prompt notification when a data breach occurs. Both laws and corporate privacy policy should provide clear rights of recourse for users when these rules are breached. Users should not be required to arbitrate claims if they do not want to.

  • Renewed Commitment to Close the Digital Divide. Extensive studies, experiments, and initiatives have shown conclusively that both the public and private sectors have important roles to play in expanding competitive broadband access to all Americans. National and Local governments should ensure that all communities, including low-income, rural, and communities of color, receive access to the same advanced technologies, including high-speed broadband. Programs, such as the Lifeline program, which supports low-income access and affordable technology should be supported.

  • Stop Algorithmic Discrimination. Data-gathering algorithms create detailed profiles of every Internet user, creating the opportunity for high-tech profiling, putting the most vulnerable populations at the highest risk for abuse. Laws prohibiting discrimination in employment, health, education and lending should be forcefully applied to automated algorithmic decision making. Companies, law enforcement and academia should review these algorithms to assess their impact on disadvantaged and at-risk communities.

  • Consistent Rules and Equal Treatment Across the Internet Ecosystem. Consumers’ rights should be protected across the entire Internet ecosystem, just as entrepreneurs and innovators deserve equal opportunity in the whole sector. Rules governing privacy and data collection should be consistent regardless of who collects it and how it is collected. Consumers need one referee on the field, applying the same rule book to everyone. Consumers simply cannot rely on rules that vary by state or vary based on technology or service in what is a single Internet system.

  • Protections for Safe User Experience. A comprehensive plan should include standardized terms of service to maintain a safe, enjoyable user experience, including enforceable consequences for hateful activity. These should include clear directives against blocking or discriminating against any lawful Internet traffic, as well as specific and timely review and appeals processes. In addition, the plan should require the disclosure of advertising practices, provide accurate information regarding the sources of political and issue advertising, and disclose how they target consumers.

  • Preserve Constitutional Principles. Search warrants and other independent oversight of law enforcement are particularly important for communities of color and for religious and ethnic minorities, who often face disproportionate scrutiny. Neither private nor government databases, artificial intelligence, or search algorithms should be allowed to undermine core legal protections of privacy and freedom of association without robust due process protection. Another key tenet should be that people know and fully understand their rights and they should be communicated with in a language in which they are most comfortable.

  • Diversity Mandate Across Tech Sector. The Internet and technologies sectors should release a public, comprehensive list of all diversity hiring and workplace metrics to promote accountability and to protect the legal and civil rights of all communities. Shareholders and directors should prioritize diversity in the boardroom and the C-suite.

We are at a pivotal moment for the future of the Internet, and the decisions Congress makes in the months ahead will determine whether future generations of Americans will continue to enjoy the full potential of the limitless possibilities that an open Internet offers. We urge you to consider these principles as you work to pass permanent, comprehensive Internet protection legislation, and we stand ready to assist you in that effort in the months and years ahead.


MANA, A National Latina Organization

National Urban League

OCA – Asian Pacific American Advocates National Center

American G. I. Forum of the U.S.

Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance

Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (AIPACS) ASPIRA

Cuban American National Council, Inc.

Familia Es Familia

Filipina Women’s Network

Georgia Latino Film Alliance

Hispanic Leadership Fund

Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership International Leadership Foundation

Japanese American Citizens League

La Cocina VA


The Latino Coalition

Latino Tech

Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)

LGBT Technology Partnership & Institute

Page 3 of 4

MANA de Metro Detroit

Multicultural Media, Telecom and Internet Council (MMTC)


National ACE

National Action Network

National Association of Black Journalists

National Association of Latino Arts and Culture

National Black Caucus of State Legislators

National Black Chamber of Commerce

National Blacks in Government, Inc.

National Coalition on Black Civic Participation

National Congress of Black Women

National Federation of Filipino American Associations

National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts

National Latina/o Psychological Association

National Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce

National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance

National Organization of Black Elected Legislative (NOBEL) WOMEN National Organization of Black County Officials

Rainbow PUSH Coalition

SER Metro Detroit

SER, Jobs for Progress National, Inc.

Tech Latino: Latinos in Information Science and Technology Association United States Black Chamber of Commerce

United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC)

United States Hispanic Leadership Institute (USHLI)

Voto Latino

Women’s Institute for Freedom of Press

Hasty action not the way to go

By Rosa Mendoza, Executive Director, HTTP

May 9, 2018, Albuquerque Journal

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle agree about the need for strong protections that ensure a free and open Internet for all. In December 2017, the Federal Communications Commission voted to repeal 1930s-era regulations known as Title II, which were applied to the Internet in 2015 and led to diminished investment in broadband infrastructure expansion.

Following months of heated debate on both sides of the net neutrality issue, a group of congressional lawmakers are now attempting to reinstate Title II by using the Congressional Review Act (CRA), which gives Congress the ability to reverse federal rules by a simple majority and presidential signature if the action is initiated within 60 days. This approach could not only fail to protect New Mexico consumers but could also prevent Latinos and other minority communities from fully participating in the promise of a free and open Internet.

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Limited net neutrality effort could hurt Nevada Latinos, rural residents

By Rosa Mendoza, Executive Director, HTTP

May 9, 2018, Las Vegas Sun

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle agree about the need for strong protections that ensure a free and open internet for all.In December 2017, the Federal Communications Commission voted to repeal 1930s-era regulations known as Title II, which were applied to the internet in 2015 and led to diminished investment in broadband infrastructure expansion.

Following months of heated debate on both sides of the net neutrality issue, a group of congressional lawmakers is now attempting to reinstate Title II by using the Congressional Review Act, which gives Congress the ability to reverse federal rules by a simple majority and presidential signature if the action is initiated within 60 days. This approach could not only fail to protect Nevada consumers but could also prevent Latinos and other minority communities from fully participating in the promise of a free and open internet.

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Limited Net Neutrality Effort Could Hurt Latino and Other Minority Communities


Congress does not agree on much, but one apparent consensus is about the need for strong open internet protections — a goal fully supported by the Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership. The partisanship, however, presents itself in how to achieve that goal, with one group of lawmakers attempting to overturn the reversal of Title II without a full and open debate. This type of approach could not only fail to protect consumers but could also prevent Latinos and other minority communities from fully participating in the promise of a free and open internet.

In December 2017, the Federal Communications Commission voted to repeal 1930s-era regulations known as Title II, which were applied to the internet in 2015 and led to diminished investment in broadband infrastructure expansion.

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March 26, 2018

Streamlining deployment of high-speed broadband could help close the digital divide

When he was nominated to lead the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Chairman Ajit Pai laid down a marker – one of his top priorities would be to close the digital divide that threatens the opportunities and aspirations of too many of our citizens:

“Since my first day as Chairman of the FCC, I’ve said repeatedly that my number one priority is closing the digital divide and bringing the benefits of the Internet age to all Americans.” – FCC Chairman Ajit Pai

Last week, the FCC made a down payment on that pledge – voting to streamline the process to deploy “small cell” 5G wireless to free up capital and speed delivery of high speed access to previously un-served areas. It is not a complete solution, and it is not a perfect plan, but it is an important step forward on this vital priority.

Ahead of this vote, and in partnership with other organizations, the Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP) hosted a fireside chat, with FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr that explored these challenges. Participants acknowledged that streamlining deployment of high-speed broadband could be a vital step towards closing the digital divide, improving connectivity for all Americans, creating jobs and boosting growth in under-served and disadvantaged communities around the country.

At the same time, it is clear that solving the digital divide will require an approach that includes all stakeholder voices and uses every technology, tool, and strategy available. In our interconnected network environment, no technology or industry can afford to do it alone. Thus, while many shorthand 5G as a “wireless” service, in fact it involved extensive fiber backhaul and is built atop a national wired backbone.

Streamlining rules for new infrastructure could be vital to closing the digital divide and a boon for jobs and the economy as well, but to ensure all Americans get access to broadband, it should be done in an evenhanded, technology-neutral manner. One that spurs competition between network builders and creates incentives for all forms of new innovation and deployment. In addition, given the complexity of this undertaking, we hope that the Commission continues to take into account the feedback and concerns from all key stakeholders to ensure all aspects are considered.

We are encouraged by the FCC’s progress on the digital divide, and urge even broader pro-competitive support for every component of our nation’s broadband infrastructure to boost new investment and speed deployment of new solutions for all of America’s communities.

March 1, 2018

HTTP Statement Regarding FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr’s Small Cell Streamlining Order

The Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP), which advocates for access to and the full adoption and utilization of technology and telecommunications resources by the Hispanic community in the United States, supports the recent announcement by Federal Communications Commissioner Brendan Carr to streamline the historic and environmental review processes, which represent a possible hindrance to efficient deployment of small cell wireless technology.

Given the nature of small cell 5G wireless deployments, mainly their relative size compared to conventional infrastructure, a review and update to the federal historic and environmental review process is warranted. Given the race to 5G global leadership, it is crucial that the federal government does everything it can to ensure it does not become a deployment bottleneck. With so much on the line, including critical technology like the Internet of Things, and “Smart Cities”, HTTP supports streamlining 5G deployment to get the most cutting edge technology capabilities into the hands of all citizens, and especially the Latino community. Additionally, faster, better wireless broadband will likely catalyze economic growth and in turn job growth.

As always, HTTP hopes that the end result of this vote is a smart policy that takes into account the feedback from all key stakeholders to ensure all aspects are considered. HTTP is, however, encouraged to see that Commissioner Carr is addressing a possible roadblock to efficient 5G mobile deployments and removal of unnecessary regulatory barriers.

January 18, 2018

HTTP DACA Statement

The Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP) and its member organizations vehemently urge Congress to reach a resolution that provides the approximately 690,000 DACA recipients with a fair and just permanent status designation and an end to living in fear of deportation. The time to act is now. Despite immigration being highly politicized and a topic filled with false rhetoric, it is important to ensure that the facts are understood by those making these life-changing decisions for people who have been in the country virtually their entire lives. One crucial, foundational fact is that despite the xenophobic notion that immigrants have a negative impact on the U.S., immigrants in general, but especially DACA recipients, contribute meaningfully to the cultural, intellectual, and economic development of the United States.

When discussing DACA it is very important to also consider the following facts about DACA recipients:

Dreamers are Americans and this should not be a partisan issue, this should be a humanitarian and a morality issue. The decision made will have a profound impact on people who have sacrificed and contributed significantly to our country in innumerable ways. But it will also have a profound and direct impact on the economic well being of our country because, as stated, the United States benefits greatly from DACA recipients not just culturally but economically. The Center for American Progress estimates that the U.S. will lose $460 billion in GDP over the next decade without the DACA program.

Once again, HTTP and its members call on Congress to act and provide the permanent solution these hardworking, law-abiding members of our society deserve. They represent the best of the American Dream.

December 12, 2017

Net Neutrality Misconceptions

By Rosa Mendoza, Executive Director, HTTP

Criticism of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) new proposal to reform its net neutrality rules has significantly intensified recently and gotten extremely politicized to the point of ignoring salient points in favor of the upcoming proposal.

The uncompromising stance that many are taking ignores significant data points that indicate a correlation between the 2015 order to classify broadband service providers as utilities under Title II and a decline in infrastructure investment that poses a large problem within the Internet ecosystem, especially for many in the Latino community. Those who insist that the FCC continue with its costly decision to regulate the Internet as a utility under Title II of a 1934 telephone law must face an unpleasant fact: There is strong evidence that the FCC’s 2015 action has significantly slowed progress on closing the digital divide since one of the main ways to do so is to deploy additional broadband infrastructure to underserved areas.

Even today, after $1.6 trillion invested in broadband deployment during the past two decades, the digital divide remains a serious problem. It hinders access to healthcare, education, workplace training and the ability to be full participants in a society that finds itself more and more integrated into the online world. The FCC’s Title II decision has created confusion, uncertainty and significant new legal costs on broadband service providers. Some of these costs are passed on to consumers. But Title II’s legal uncertainties are also curbing broadband investment, which is vital to closing the digital divide. Since the FCC’s action, broadband investment has been on a two-year decline, dropping nearly 6%. According to the FCC, this is the first time a decline has happened outside of a recession.

The lack of investment in deployment hits especially hard in rural areas and there is significant evidence that problems stemming from the FCC’s 2015 Title II action are, in fact, hitting rural areas the hardest, which are most in need of expanded broadband access and have a higher proportion of Latinos. Within weeks of the FCC’s action, the Commission began receiving documented cases from across the country of small Internet providers pulling back from upgrades because of new legal costs from the Commission’s new rules. Last April, nearly two dozen small Internet providers explained in an open letter to the FCC how Title II regulations have “slowed, if not halted, the development and deployment of innovative new offerings which would benefit our customers.” These providers are from places like Chaparral, NM (80+% Latino) and Warner Robins, Georgia (45% Latino & African-American). Less investment in deployment of infrastructure hits those in rural areas the hardest and maintains or widens the digital divide every day there is no action.

Recognizing the costs and problems of the FCC’s Title II Internet regulation is crucial because it shows the pressing need to reform these rules. Doing nothing is not an option. Failure to reach a better solution for all stakeholders means millions of Americans who lack modern broadband will have less chance for more reliable and accessible Internet service. The Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP) is on record and vehemently maintains that a free and open Internet is the best environment for all Internet users, but regulating broadband service providers using an outdated regulatory framework is certainly not the answer. Hence, there is always a middle ground to consider.

Investment in infrastructure deployment aside, it is important to also examine the merits of the FCC’s proposed plan with regard to consumer protections. The FCC’s plan continues protections but does so through the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which has been on the front lines in legal fights against telemarketers, text spammers and other bad actors online . Under the new system, net users still have online protections and these protections will come not only from the FTC but also from existing federal and state laws. These laws and their protections will not change, even with reform of the net neutrality/Title II process. With this in mind, HTTP strongly urges the FTC and state and local authorities to continue to create and enact proactive, comprehensive consumer protections.

This month, the FCC is likely to approve its proposal for reversing the order that classified broadband service providers as utilities under Title II of the Telecommunications Act. This will ideally help boost infrastructure investment levels that current rules have likely hindered and promote a more reliable and accessible Internet for all. HTTP has and will continue to advocate for an open Internet and one that is accessible to all Americans, especially Latinos who continue to be on the wrong side of the digital divide, to be able to thrive in the online world.

November 28, 2017

Proactive Online Safety Tips

Imagine a country where every citizen has virtually equal access to affordable broadband connection. Imagine every child being able to complete homework that requires the use of the internet at home. Imagine low-wage workers being able to apply to better positions to provide a secure future for their family. Imagine the emergency room wait time reduced because more people have access to quality health care at home via their computer or tablet. Access to broadband represents access to the plethora of educational, professional, medical and other resources made available by the internet. These benefits, though, come with financial and safety risks as well.

The sound of Christmas music in every shopping center and the leaves falling from the trees are reminders that the holidays are around the corner. The holidays and the ever-increasing propensity for online shopping bring the risk of identity theft, an understandable topic of concern for many shoppers. Bankrate estimates that in 2016 alone, 41 million Americans were victims of identity theft. When every credit card swipe represents the potential for thieves to steal personal and financial information, it’s important that we understand the risks. The point is not to scare people into hoarding cash under their mattresses and never going online – it’s that consumers must take proactive measures to ensure their own online safety. With that in mind, here are some everyday tips that consumers can start using today to help proactively secure personal and financial information.

Read more here

November 21, 2017

HTTP’s Statement on the FCC’s Net Neutrality Announcement

The Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP) strongly supports an open Internet that is able to grow and expand at the speed of innovation. HTTP advocates for increased access and adoption of broadband connectivity by the Latino community and believes that light-touch regulation will spur expanded broadband deployment and benefit Latinos and low-income families in urban centers and especially rural areas. Latinos continue to be on the wrong side of the digital divide and a free, open, and growing Internet ecosystem will hopefully serve to narrow that divide, allowing Latinos and all Americans to realize the full educational, professional, and other benefits the Internet offers. Additionally, Latinos have the highest rate of entrepreneurship of any demographic and it is our hope that increased broadband deployment will only augment that statistic.

Regulatory policy must ensure adequate growth, investment, privacy and equality within the Internet ecosystem. HTTP has always believed that Title II is not the appropriate regulatory mechanism to support this environment.

HTTP eagerly awaits the chance to review the Restoring Internet Freedom Order proposal that will be released tomorrow by Ajit Pai, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, and is hopeful that it will provide a modern regulatory framework through which the Internet can remain open, equally representative, lightly regulated, and free to expand at the rate of innovation. Additionally, HTTP still believes congress is the best regulatory body to provide a permanent, sustainable regulatory framework under which the Internet can truly thrive and benefit every American.

October 31, 2017

Moving the Conversation Forward Series: Privacy & Security Tech Policy for Minority Communities

LGBT Tech and The Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP) have partnered to convene a thought-provoking series: Moving the Conversation Forward. This series is a platform designed to bring together the brightest minds advocating for minority communities in a continued effort to discuss, educate and highlight issues and challenges facing minority communities around technology and telecommunications in the United States. Our hope is to continue advancing positive change for minority communities through collaborative discussions, highlighting potential solutions and actionable steps to take to create inclusive policies.

In our second event, held July 26, 2017 at the AT&T Forum, we hosted a panel of experts to discuss privacy and technology policy issues for minority communities. Francisco Montero from Heald & Hildreth, Dr. Nicol Turner-Lee from The Brookings Institute and Kristal High Taylor from Politics365 brought their unique perspective to this pressing issue that overwhelmingly affects minority communities. Below are some of the topics discussed during the engaging conversation:

  • Transgendered community: The discussion centered around the attacks on the transgendered community by the current administration, specifically relating to privacy, and shared information regarding solutions to these challenges

  • Privacy/vulnerability climate: The group discussed the current privacy climate in this country, the opportunities and vulnerabilities, as it relates to the Internet ecosystem. The panelists shared actionable steps on how to take advantage of the many great new opportunities while remaining fully aware of privacy vulnerabilities

  • Limited knowledge about the Internet ecosystem: The group analyzed the lack of understanding of how the Internet works and how fears and false narratives are spread as a manifestation of this lack of knowledge

  • Innovation and privacy: The panelists discussed how it is crucially important that minority communities stay informed and ahead of the curve as it relates to innovation and associated privacy issues as technology continues to advance

  • Privacy and Legislation: The discussion focused on technology legislation being extremely outdated and how that can have a negative impact on privacy. The panelists put forward ideas for guidelines to allow the Internet to flourish by updating decades-old rules and focusing on strong comprehensive pro-consumer privacy rules

Be sure to join us November 1, at our third and final event of 2017: Moving the Conversation Forward Series – No Community Left Behind – 5G & Small Cell Deployment.

About HTTP: The Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP) is the leading national Latino voice on telecommunications and technology policy issues. HTTP’s mission is to promote access, adoption and the full utilization of technology and telecommunications resources by the Hispanic community in the United States through advocacy and by serving as a national voice for Hispanics on issues related to technology and telecommunications.

About LGBT Tech: The LGBT Technology Partnership brings together cutting edge tech companies, nonprofit organizations, policy makers, scholars and innovators to improve access, increase inclusion, ensure safety and empower entrepreneurship for LGBT communities around technology.

October 13, 2017

No Community Left Behind – 5G & Small Cell Deployment

“I have yet to come across a single community that wants to be left behind or overlooked as we embark on this new frontier” ~ FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn

Please join HTTP and LGBT Technology Partnership on Nov. 1st from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm for the third event in our Moving the Conversation Forward series. Lunch will be provided!


The latest wireless technology offers the promise of unprecedented connectivity, especially for those in minority communities where such access currently doesn’t exist. However, policy makers, companies and communities must work together to overcome challenges created by an outdated legal framework.

We are going to Move The Conversation Forward by identifying and discussing actionable steps we can take to clear regulatory and other barriers to create opportunities for minority communities to take advantage of the many benefits 5th Generation Mobile Network (5G) and Small Cell deployment offer.


601 New Jersey Ave. NW, 5th Floor, Washington, DC

5th Floor

Washington, DC

View Map

Moving the Conversation Forward Series is designed to bring together the brightest minds supporting minority communities in a continued effort to discuss, educate and highlight issues and challenges facing minority communities around technology and telecommunications in the United States. Our hope is to continue advancing positive change for minority communities through collaborative discussions, highlighting potential solutions and the steps necessary to create inclusive policies.


Organizer of the No Community Left Behind – 5G & Small Cell Deployment

About HTTP: The Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP) is the leading national Latino voice on telecommunications and technology policy issues. HTTP’s mission is to promote access, adoption and the full utilization of technology and telecommunications resources by the Hispanic community in the United States through advocacy and by serving as a national voice for Hispanics on issues related to technology and telecommunications.

About LGBT Tech: The LGBT Technology Partnership brings together cutting edge tech companies, nonprofit organizations, policy makers, scholars and innovators to improve access, increase inclusion, ensure safety and empower entrepreneurship for LGBT communities around technology.

Broadband Expansion is Vital to Latino Access, Adoption, and Digital Engagement

By Rosa Mendoza, Executive Director, HTTP

Since 1996, the Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP) has worked to ensure that the voice of Latinos in the U.S. is fully represented in policy discussions that impact the Latino community. As technology and the Internet ecosystem have evolved, one thing has become clear; with each passing year, the Internet has become an increasingly essential resource for our community to be successful in our educational, professional, and health-related pursuits. Without reliable and affordable Internet access, especially high-speed broadband access, the digital divide will continue to widen and the Latino community will unfortunately be on the wrong side of it. A key factor for the Latino community to have access to the resources mentioned is increased broadband infrastructure deployment.

The essential nature of high-speed Internet access is why HTTP supports smart policies that ensure broadband providers continue to expand their networks and create more reliable connections for families on the wrong side of the digital divide. And it is also why we are encouraged by the work of the current Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Ajit Pai, who is working to remove roadblocks to broadband infrastructure build out.

For more, visit La Plaza.

August 31, 2017

What is the Total Cost of the New ATSC 3.0 Broadcast Standard?

By Rosa Mendoza, HTTP Executive Director

As content delivery evolves, so does the hardware needed to keep it functioning optimally. Just like phones will need to be able to work with 5G signal bands and laptops need compatible Wi-Fi receivers, soon TVs will potentially need to be compatible with the ATSC 3.0 next generation broadcast standard. For reference, the current broadcast standard is ATSC 1.0. Broadcasters want to change the standard to accommodate mobile and higher definition content delivery. On the surface, this seems like an understandable undertaking, however, the problem is that one of the organizations that is touting this new change, the Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC), admits that the new broadcast standard will render many televisions obsolete. And unfortunately, a higher proportion of those impacted will likely be low-income and minority households.

In a piece written by Rich Chernock, Chairman of the ATSC, he points out that due to the fact that this next-generation broadcast standard would be incompatible with many current devices, “it must provide improvements in performance, functionality, and efficiency significant enough to warrant implementation of a non-backwards-compatible system.” But have the improvements been proven to warrant the changeover yet? Do the potential benefits of a better signal quality, picture and system efficiency outweigh the negative impact of people losing their signal altogether? The Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP) is not able to answer these questions and we request that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ensure there is enough time, and a valid approach to quantifying the resulting data, to answer these crucial questions before moving forward. Without sufficient answers, low-income and minority families could be adversely affected and we could see the digital divide widen before our eyes.

To start, in order to ensure that vulnerable communities aren’t left without necessary content, there needs to be a significant effort by broadcasters to manage this change to ensure that all parties involved fully understand what is happening, why, and how viewers can continue to consume vital over-the-air content. This effort should include comprehensive communication, in multiple languages, to ensure people know what is coming. A sense of urgency must be engendered to ensure people understand the full impact of the transition. Imagine if residents of a local area were not able to receive an Amber Alert or if they were unable to view life-saving content regarding an impending natural disaster?

If it is decided that the benefits of a transition to ATSC 3.0 outweigh the negative effects to the general public, viewers will need a sufficient amount of time to make the necessary adjustments to their hardware, which for many will mean the time to budget for a new device. Purchasing a new device will require significant planning and a realistic timeline to be employed by the broadcasters. Among other steps, the most vital at the current time is for the broadcasters to ensure there are sufficient data points to measure and predict the impact of this transition. HTTP acknowledges and supports the stipulation in the FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) requiring broadcasters to simulcast locally in both 1.0 and 3.0 broadcast standards. We also suggest that the FCC give enough time for vulnerable communities (e.g. low-income, minority, elderly) to transition over to hardware that is compatible with the ATSC 3.0 broadcast standard, which we understand would be part of a separate proceeding as indicated on page 14, section 27 of the NPRM. It is not enough to demonstrate that the majority of households have made the transition but rather crucial to ensure that a majority of households in vulnerable demographics are given ample time to acquire the necessary hardware.

HTTP asks that the FCC use prudence as it considers whether to approve or deny this broadcast standard changeover, and in what form, because it is currently unclear exactly to what extent families will be impacted, especially low-income and minority families. Consumers must be at the forefront of this decision and we must do our best to minimize the negative impact on vulnerable communities.

July 20, 2017

HTTP’s Comments on Net Neutrality

The Honorable Ajit Pai, Chairman The Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 RE: Restoring Internet Freedom – WC Docket No. 17-108 Dear Chairman Pai: On behalf of the Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP), comprised of 17 coalition members representing millions of Latino constituents in the United States, and MANA, A National Latina Organization, we respectfully submit the following commentary in strong support of an open Internet. The issue is of vital concern to the Latino community, which represents almost 1/5 of the national population¹, and the sharpest increase in Internet connectivity of any demographic, particularly through mobile technology². Consumer access, equity, and security remain the guiding principles for our advocacy on the issue to ensure the prevention of improper discrimination online. We remain committed to a straightforward policy with broad-based, bipartisan support, in contrast to the existing Title II utility framework that can hurt low income consumers, particularly Latinos stuck on the wrong side of the digital divide. While we recognize the concerns about legal authority that led the Commission to reclassify broadband as a Title II utility when it last addressed this issue, we disagreed with the decision and favored Section 706 authority for net neutrality regulation. What we are seeing as a result is that network investment is well below what it otherwise would be and experts warn the drop off could reach hundreds of billions of dollars. Simply put, increased investment and broadband buildout can mean increased opportunity for access and adoption by minorities, and especially low income Latino households. Consumers, especially in poor, marginalized communities, which are often Latino communities, suffer the collateral damage when Internet access and deployment are stunted. The gains that advocates and policy makers alike have strived for cannot be sacrificed. Now is the time to focus on strong, permanent net neutrality rules to protect consumers and ensure basic fairness and openness online. We believe the best path forward includes action from Congress to enact a lasting and bipartisan net neutrality law that applies equally to all mobile and fixed broadband providers with the following provisions: ¹ ² No Blocking/Throttling: Broadband providers should be restricted from blocking competitors’ safe and lawful devices, content, applications, or services that do not violate the terms of use of fixed and mobile broadband service providers. Transparency/Full Disclosure: Equitable standards for transparency should be established for both fixed and mobile broadband providers to disclose terms and conditions of their respective services, network management policies and practices, and performance metrics. Consumers deserve to have clarity in the products they are paying for and the details of the service being provided. No Unreasonable Discrimination: Broadband providers should be restricted from discriminating against safe and lawful network traffic, as defined by the terms of use for fixed and mobile broadband service providers. Privacy Rules: The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) should be given the authority to enforce privacy across the Internet ecosystem. Without comprehensive, fair, and equal privacy protections, consumers will be left with a false sense of security regarding privacy when different types of providers may leave their privacy and personal data vulnerable. The best way to protect consumers is to come up with consistent, unified and pro-consumer privacy rules for the entire Internet ecosystem. Lifeline Program: A modernized Lifeline program that is more efficient and truly aimed at helping those who need it the most (i.e. those who are not currently connected and are low income) is fundamental to help close the digital divide. If executed properly, this tool is one that can have a profound impact on ending the disparities in broadband access, by income and in minority communities, which still persist and we advocate vehemently for the program’s success. No Redlining: Broadband providers must be required to develop infrastructure to serve all Americans, without the practice of redlining. Redlining must be prohibited, as it serves to amplify the digital divide and treats poor consumers and communities unfairly, when they are in the most need. It is necessary for regulators to understand the many ways that redlining can be manifested and pass smart policies to prevent the practice. This holistic approach to addressing the immediate needs of the broadband ecosystem and regulatory mechanisms keeps the needs and rights of consumers at the forefront, especially those who are in most need of access and upgrades to networks, while equitably regulating the industry to serve those consumers, and promoting common sense policy solutions that rise above partisan conflicts. In the current dynamic, markets fluctuate and investment stalls because of the partisan environment that causes instability. It is crucial that this effort be fully bipartisan so that we are not stuck having another change in policy once each new administration takes office. It is our belief that swift action from Congress on a net neutrality law that includes strong consumer protections and encourages investment and innovation will serve not only the Latino community, but communities nationwide who will undoubtedly benefit from safe and reliable Internet access.

Sincerely, Rosa Mendoza Amy L. Hinojosa Executive Director President and CEO Hispanic Technology and MANA, A National Latina Organization Telecommunications Partnership

May 19, 2017

HTTP Statement on Participation in FCC Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee

Rosa Mendoza Dávila, Executive Director of the Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP), has been selected to represent HTTP and the Latino community on the Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee (BDAC), by Chairman Ajit Pai of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). She will work specifically on the Competitive Access to Broadband Infrastructure Working Group. The stated mission of the BDAC is “to make recommendations for the Commission on how to accelerate the deployment of high-speed Internet access, or ‘broadband’, by reducing and/or removing regulatory barriers to infrastructure investment.”

Ms. Mendoza Dávila looks forward to the opportunity to work closely with the FCC and make recommendations that will benefit the Latino community. In helping the FCC continually improve its understanding of the impact that increased broadband deployment on the Latino community has it can help the Commission to make more informed, responsible and inclusive decisions regarding all aspects of increased broadband deployment, particularly in Latino neighborhoods.

April 27, 2017

The Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership’s (HTTP) Statement on FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s Proposed Net Neutrality Rulemaking

The Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP) strongly supports an open Internet and advocates for all consumers, particularly Latinos who are still on the wrong side of the digital divide, to have equal access to broadband and all Internet resources that ensure professional and personal success, as well as all the necessary legal protections.

HTTP believes Title II is not the appropriate regulatory mechanism to keep the Internet free and open. Instead, the focus should be on regulatory solutions that ensure access, innovation, investment, and transparency and where services for consumers are not degraded or throttled and where they are protected.

Moving forward, it is clear that Congress is the best federal institution to codify net neutrality rules once and for all. Congress should take action and provide a solution that can ensure the Internet is regulated by a modern regulatory framework that includes strong consumer protections, encourages investment and innovation, and facilitates the Internet’s continued development and promotes further adoption by the Latino community.

April 24, 2017

A Strong Copyright Office Protects Independent and Diverse Creators

By Amy Hinojosa, President and CEO of MANA, A National Latina Organization

Contributor, The Huffington Post

There’s a bill working its way through Congress that creators and creatives should know about and support. It’s the Register of Copyrights Selection and Accountability Act of 2017, H.R. 1695. The bill would ensure that the Copyright Office continues to have a vocal and independent role in advising Congress and the Administration on how important copyright policy is to creative economy jobs. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Goodlatte and Ranking Member Conyers introduced the bill, and it passed the Committee by a 27 to 1 vote, something quite remarkable in today’s toxic, partisan environment.

I know firsthand how important it is to have a strong Copyright Office. Just last year, an ill-conceived FCC proposal from the former chairman threatened to cripple independent Latino programmers, and kill television networks that serve bicultural audiences like me. The ability of the Register of Copyrights to issue an independent analysis on the copyright harms of the proposal helped bring the FCC back from the brink.

April 12, 2017

A Modern Copyright Office Will Help Create New Opportunities for Latino Creators and Audiences

By Rosa Mendoza, Executive Director, HTTP

It is an exciting time in the creative industries. New distribution platforms are making content available when, where and how consumers choose to access it. And programmers are creating more great content than ever before for audiences to enjoy, helping to drive adoption of new technologies and services. But the Copyright Office—which helps facilitate the marketplace for creative works by registering copyrights and advising Congress on copyright policy—is struggling to keep pace in the digital age.

In a historical quirk, the Copyright Office is housed in the Library of Congress and the head of the Office—called the Register of Copyrights—is chosen unilaterally by the Librarian. The Library has a nationally important mission, but that mission is different from and sometimes in conflict with the mission of the Copyright Office. The Copyright Office has long sought to modernize its operations, but is hamstrung because it does not control its staff, resources, or technology, and must answer to the priorities of the Library. The Copyright Office’s plight was recently on display when in September 2015 a week-long IT failure at the Library took down the Copyright Office’s systems with it, “costing the office an estimated $650,000 in lost fees and causing headaches for approximately 12,000 customers” according to the Washington Post. As a recent GAO report concluded, the Library of Congress has “significant weaknesses across several areas” —and former Registers have lacked the authority or resources to fix these problems.

The Register is the steward of copyright policy and a creative economy that now contributes $1.2 trillion to U.S. GDP and employs 5.5. million people. It doesn’t make sense for the Register to be a subordinate official in the Library.

Fortunately, Congress is now considering bipartisan legislation, the Register of Copyrights Selection and Accountability Act, to make the Register a presidentially nominated, Senate confirmed position, much like other officials overseeing similarly significant industries. This will start the long overdue process of giving the Register of Copyrights the autonomy needed to implement necessary reforms. The bill recently passed out of the House Judiciary Committee by the overwhelming bipartisan vote of 27-1, and will be considered by the full House soon.

Why should Latino communities care about a little known government agency like the Copyright Office and its struggles to adapt to a changing marketplace? Because Latino creators and audiences are at the forefront of that changing marketplace. For evidence look no further than what the Pew Research Center reported in July 2016 that “since 2009, the share of Latino adults who report using the internet increased 20 percentage points, up from 64% then to 84% in 2015.” And Hispanic audiences are leading the online charge to find great content. Neilson reports that Latinos are “72 percent more likely to stream video than any other group.”

As Latino audiences are leading the online migration, Latino creators are harnessing the influence and technological savvy of those audiences to share their stories and make a living. For instance, Mitu, a successful online network that launched on YouTube in 2012 states “our inspiration is ‘the 200%’ – youth who are 100% American and 100% Latino.” And Latino photographers, authors, musicians, programmers and more are also leveraging new technologies.

Creation and production of new technology and content means a significant amount of valuable intellectual property is being created, which is protected and monetized by copyrights. If creators can’t easily register their copyrights at the Copyright Office—and people wishing to license, say, that photo or song or other content for their web site or commercial or book, the creators and audiences lose out. More fundamentally, if the Copyright Office is not in a position to advocate for strong copyright policy, creators won’t be able to derive benefit from their hard work, even when people do find it, and won’t be able to continue creating. To put it plainly, copyright should provide meaningful protections to creators and the Copyright Office should help facilitate the digital marketplace for copyrighted works.

HR 1695 starts the process of fixing this situation by elevating the Register to a stature commensurate with the importance of the creative economy over which she presides.

Latino communities continue to make their voices heard in American politics, markets and culture. As Latino creators and audiences continue to drive the cultural marketplace and dialogue, Congress should ensure that the government agency tasked with helping the creative economy continues to flourish and has the autonomy and resources it needs to serve creators of all backgrounds and cultures.

February 24, 2017

HTTP Statement on Privacy

The Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) announcement on privacy today appears to be a step to preserve the status quo while the FCC considers, what we hope, will be the best way to protect consumers and come up with consistent, unified privacy rules for the entire Internet ecosystem. While that process is underway, we hope that consumer data will be protected by existing Communications Act privacy requirements, which the FCC has pledged to aggressively enforce. Since the beginning of this process, HTTP has called for strong and comprehensive pro-consumer privacy rules based on the successful Federal Trade Commission (FTC) framework, and today’s announcement will hopefully moves us one step closer to that goal.

February 21, 2017

HTTP Statement on Lifeline

With the recent change of the guard at Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the appointment of Chairman Pai, HTTP is hopeful that beneficial programs such as Lifeline will continue to be supported and modernized, as needed, to meet the ever-growing demand for broadband access. These programs help to bridge the digital divide and provide much needed services to low-income families, a disproportionate amount of which are Latino families.

The most recent news concerning the delay of a handful of applications for participation in the Lifeline program has encountered scrutiny. However, the Chairman clarified his decision and he has stated the following about the recent developments:

  1. 900 companies have been accepted into the Lifeline program and the recent delay only impacts nine companies

  2. The applications were not denied but delayed and are simply being given the appropriate scrutiny associated with applying for a government program with a multi-billion dollar budget

  3. Eight of the nine companies affected do not have a single customer

There is nothing wrong with extra scrutiny given what is entrusted to these providers; access to broadband for low-income families and millions of dollars. It is important to ensure that providers are prepared to abide by the rules set forth in the Lifeline program. It is a way to ensure that Lifeline is most effective in providing affordable phone and broadband service to those in need.

It is well documented that members of the Latino community find themselves disproportionately on the wrong side of both the digital divide and the poverty line. Programs like Lifeline are critically important to helping close the digital divide for low-income Latino families. It is also crucial that companies are not engaging in fraud and abusive practices that take dollars away from the program that should rightfully be available to eligible program participants in need.

HTTP has been supportive of the Lifeline program and will continue to work with Chairman Pai and all FCC commissioners in the hopes that vital programs like Lifeline continue to help the Latino community cross the digital divide.

February 7, 2017


The most important takeaway from today’s press conference is that members from both parties in Congress should put an end to this current legal limbo by passing legislation to protect net neutrality principles in a manner similar to the rules approved by the FCC in 2010.

This means protecting Internet users’ rights to access the content of their choice, including the increasingly prevalent free-data wireless programs. These free-data plans have been helpful to all Americans, especially Latinos, who are more likely to depend on wireless data for their primary Internet service.